Thursday, July 29, 2010

Open Letter to Militaries, Civilians, Politicians, Polices and CEOs

You all, may or may not been wondering what else?, what more? and what worst?. Can a malay tell or explain then previously reveals secrets.

POKER HOLD EM, zyngaly facebook. Pair of scale 3 Secrets on "Why not to do NUCLEAR TESTS?" and scale 3 Secrets on "Why not to do RADIOACTIVE EXPERIMENTS?" is nothing compared to Pair of scale 10 Doctors and scale 10 Scientists at other hands, when next potential Pair are scale 9 of "Why people going to Planet Mars need NUCLEAR TESTS?" and scale 9 of "Why people going to Planet Mars need RADIOACTIVE EXPERIMENTS?".

At magnitude Ricter scale of 7 Nuclear tests, we oppose Countries of doing Nuclear Tests, but at Important of Planet Mars, we scientists tell all countries the only Profitable Nuclear Tests is minimum magnitude Ricter scale 86.5 and higher.

At cripple, retard and cancer of Radioactive Experiments, we oppose Countries of doing Radioactive Experiments, but at Important of Planet Mars, we scientists tell all countries the only worth Radioactive Experiments is, if it radius An Australian Island and continues for more then 25 Centuries.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Awang temasek di Internet

Setelah lama berharap untuk Awang temasek kembara di Malaysia dan internet, akhirnya berjaya dilaksana dengan tuah bertemu pedagang elekronik mencari tenaga kerja dari Kepala batas ke Seberang jaya ke Kulim.

Dengan upah 500 ringgit sebulan dapatlah Awang temasek sedikit biaya jalan kaki 14 hari 14 malam dari Seberang jaya ke Slim river pada purnama 10. Dengan upah 1000 ringgit dapatlah Awang temasek kembara dua purnama di Internet.

Setelah lengkap persediaan dan rancangan, Awang temasek mula buat senarai tempat-tempat persinggahan:-

1) Awang temasek dikenali di negeri Yahoo

2) Awang temasek dikenali di negeri Microsoft

3) Awang temasek dikenali di negeri Myspace

4) Awang temasek dikenali di negeri Typepad

5) Awang temasek dikenali di negeri Flickr

6) Awang temasek dikenali di negeri Bebo

7) Awang temasek dikenali di negeri My Opera
dan Awang temasek juga buat senarai kejadian-kejadian, cerita-cerita, peristiwa-peristiwa dan berita-berita :-

a) Awang temasek bertemu Garuda di pulau Besar, Melaka

b) Awang temasek pandai sains kena serang sakit jantung.

c) Awang temasek beri nasihat dan tegur putera MoneyBoy.

d) Awang temasek pergi jauh mengembara Dunia.

e) Awang temasek buat Keris untuk lawan Keris Taming Sari.

f) Awang temasek terkenang kampong halaman.